Italian Punk Hardcore 1980 – 1989 – The movie DVD
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Italian Punk Hardcore 1980 - 1989 - The movie DVD
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The History of the Italian Punk Hardcore movement around the 80’s, Digipack w/ english subtitles. 1 hour and 59 minutes long!
The birth of Italian hardcore punk. The cities and the hotbeds of punk. Self-management, squats, politics. D.I.Y., tapes and vinyl. Independent labels. Fanzines and counter-culture word-of-mouth. Concerts, rallies, demonstrations. The battles, the violence, the excesses and the drugs. The antagonistic relationship between the punk movement and the press, daily papers and magazines. The beginnings, rise and fall of the big bands of the ’80s. Interviews and rare live footage from Raw Power, Wretched, Negazione, CCM, Indigesti, Kina, Peggio Punx, Impact, Upset Noise and many others.